I regularly use Procreate to make digital art. Here are some tips I shared with my critique partner who was looking to streamline her process.
Tip 1: Organize Brushes
In the same way, you can create palettes for a scene or character, you can create a group of brushes. For more complex characters, you can also save the brushes in the order you need to use them. This is helpful if you are creating multiple textured layers.
Tip 2: Color the character in one sitting
I got this tip from Arree Chung when he was talking about traditional painting, however, I think it also applies to digital art in procreate or your preferred digital art software as well, especially when making more complex characters that require multiple brushes.
Tip 3: Trace or Copy & Paste Layers
One of the biggest benefits of working digitally is the ability to copy layers or trace over! Figure out what layers of your character (or asset) that you can copy while changing the details. Such a time saver.