Nonfiction Resources 2: SCBWI

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So SCBWI recently had a nonfiction conference this past November. Twitter was abuzz with some interesting threads:

🔰How do you know when an idea is book worthy?
🔰What part of the NF writing process do you find most challenging?
🔰As a writer, how do you decide on a structure for your NF Book?

Scroll through #SCBWINonfiction for more details.

Panelists and attendees shared impressions and tidbits from the conference, too.

🔰Highlights from Carole Boston Weatherford’s Keynote: FAQ – Is this Real?
🔰 Highlights from Emily Feinberg’s Keynote: From Proposal to Finished Book
🔰Highlights from Personal Journey to Nonfiction, see Laura Salas’ Qualities I Love in Art Forms and How They’re Reflected in What I Write.
🔰Emma Tipping’s fabulous illustrations & quotes from conference speakers: Lesa Cline-Ransome, Elizabeth Rusch, Matt Shindell, Lynne Kelly, Nicholas St, Fleur, Carole Boston Weatherford, Marcie Flinchum Atkins

Want more NF resources from SCBWI? Visit the official SCBWI Conference Blog or the SCBWI Blog (and search by Nonfiction).

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