Picture Book Endings

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Writing endings for picture book can be tricky. They need to be concise and punchy. It is easier for me to write endings when I know the plot (external events) as well as the main character’s emotional arc (internal events). Here are some tips and resources to help you make your story’s ending shine.

The Ending at the Start

One of the best pieces of advice I received on writing a satisfying ending came from Talia Benamy, editor at Philomel Books:

The ending should both be a surprise and inevitable.

Talia Benamy, MDDEWV SCBWI 2019

This advice applies to any genre, any age group, but more so for young readers. If done well, hints to the ending will be layered in from plot to word choice to the moments illustrated and the art details.

The Ending at Heart

One other thing to consider in your story’s ending is the emotional impact. What do you want your readers to feel after the last words or looking at the last illustration? As author Vivian Kirkfield says:

I know I am done when I listen back and am engaged from the first word to the last…and can utter an AHA, HAHAHA, or AWWW when the last word is uttered.

Vivian Kirkfield, Writers’ Rumpus Interview (2020)

Resource Spotlight: Endings

🎦 Humorous Picture Book Endings (Jim Averbeck, Storyteller Academy): discusses how surprise endings give readers that “haha moment.”
📶 Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen (Matthew Winner, The Children’s Book Podcast): Discusses how endings with questions leave room for the readers in context of their Triangle, Square, and Circle picture books.
🌐 Picture Book Endings that Circle Back (KidLit Craft, Becky Levine): Discusses three picture books with circular endings.


    1. Hi Vivian! Apparently, I just figured out the comments feature on my blog. Thanks for leaving a note! You are truly a wealth of knowledge.

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