Getting Started in Picture Books /7

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Finally, it’s time to talk about publishing! It’s a lot of work putting together a manuscript or a dummy or a portfolio. Once it’s been critiqued and ready to submit, what next?

Consider if you want to go traditional (submitting your an agent or editor) or self-publishing or are you submitting somewhere else like a mentorship or contest?

KidLit Resources for Submissions

‪🔰‬ KidLit411 Submissions: Agents & Editors: resource collection for submissions, free.
‪🔰 ‬Manuscript Wish List: Agent wishlists across genres, includes lots of resources, free.
‪🔰 ‬Publishers Weekly: weekly magazine about the publishing industry, cuts across genres, usually a subscription, but currently free during the pandemic.
‪🔰 ‬QueryTracker: Helps you find agents, free & paid options.
‪🔰‬Sub It Club: support group for authors/illustrators, includes resources for querying.

⏯ Videos about Dealing with Rejection

🔰iWriterly: Rejection Letters
‪ 🔰 ‬Book Doctors: Pitch MistakesBookends Literary: Interpreting Rejection
‪ 🔰 ‬Tips for Avoiding Rejection (Children’s Book Insiders)

Creating stories takes time. From being unpublished to agented to published can take years. Publishing picture books takes years, too. (At least 1-2 years between an acquired manuscript to illustrations to a book release. In the meanwhile focus on your craft. Keep working. Remember your WHY (passion, love of words, to tell the stories only you can). It’s a journey, take it one day at a time.

A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.

Richard Bach

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