The Total Eclipse of Nestor Lopez [Book Review 10]

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The Total Eclipse of Nestor Lopez by Adrianna Cuevas (2020)

Summary: Being part of an army family means that Nestor moves often, which helps him keep his ability to talk to animals a secret. Things change when he moves to his abuela’s house in Texas. With the help of his friends, they try to find the creature responsible for the disappearing animals. What’s worse, the townsfolk believe abuela is the prime suspect as well his family. This middle grade is a fast-paced read.

What I Enjoyed

  • The mystery: from town outsider to insider, Nestor slowly learns that everyone has secrets and culmination of all those secrets that enable him to help his family, friends, and all the town’s missing animals.
  • The subplots: although this is a school story and primarily takes place in a trivia club (also thematically relevant), half of Nestor’s heart is with his dad who is deployed. The exchange of letters, of what is left unsaid, allows the reader to relate to Nestor even more.
  • The cast: each of Nestor’s friends, Talib and Maria Carmen and his frenemy, Brandon, make up rich counterpoints. Maria Carmen is the go-getter. Talib is laid back, but loyal. And Brandon immediately clashes with Nestor. Nestor, usually takes on a new persona at each new school, but instead a his friends also draw out the real Nestor.

Mentor Text Moments

  • Opening line, page, and chapter: as a writer I appreciate how hard it is hook readers, provide exposition, and end a chapter on a beat that leaves you wanting more…Cuevas does it all masterfully. Even looking back, the symbol behind the first line is spot on. I won’t spoil it for you, but do check it out.
  • Reimagining a legend: this story is primarily influenced by the Panamanian and Costa Rican legends of tule vieja. However, Cuevas takes that idea and spins it so it works for the story she wants to tell while tapping into the mythos of children exploring the dark woods. There’s a reason these myths still are told today.
  • Everyday Magic: Nestor talks to animals, amazing, right? But for him, it isn’t so special. He’s been doing it everyday he can remember. It’s like speaking a second language. That is my favorite part of the world building, not that the magic is special, but because it is mundane. And it makes the other moments of small time life, having a dad in the army, and being afraid to let people in…all the more powerful.

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