The Value of Value Studies Or Why Squinting Helps

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Drawing is a form of visual communication and we want to be clear and deliberate on what we say visually. Doubly so when you are illustrating a story.

One tool to level up your art think are values. Value is how light or dark something is in relation to white and black (Draw Paint Academy, Guide to Value). Here are some resources covering values to get you started:

Value Study Resources

🌐 The Virtual Instructor: provides an overview of the elements of value.
🎦 Art Fundamentals: Value: Clint Cearley offers a wonderful breakdown and practical applications.
🎦 Try this twist on a exercise practicing lights and darks by Bethany Thiele, inspired by Julianna Kunstler.
➡️ Try Quick Trick in this video to check values in Procreate by Stephanie Fizer Coleman.

Why Squint?

Even if you don’t have the time to do go into depth in these resources or don’t think in value, you could always stand far away (or shrink, if digital) and squint. Squinting helps you focus on the “big picture” shapes and values. If you can still make out the key silhouette and areas of your piece without the details, then it is probably in good shape in that area. If it looks like a blob or blobby in certain areas, you’ll have some cleanup work to do.

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